Alexander Grom was elected as the leader of the trade union organization of Metafrax Chemicals

A reporting and election trade union conference was held at Metafrax Chemicals.
The event was attended by the General Director of the Metafrax Chemicals, JSC: Albert Khudaibirdin,, First Deputy General Director of the Company: Ivan Feoktistov, Deputy General Director - Managing Director: Viktor Maier, Chairman of the Perm Regional Organization of the Russian Chemical Industry Trade Union: Alexey Klein and representatives of the shop's committees of the enterprise.
The delegates representing the interests of the Company's employees elected Alexander Grom as the Chairman of the trade union organization. The new head thanked the team for their trust and assured that he would work with full dedication to improve the working conditions and living standards of the Company's employees. The term of appointment for the chairman of the trade union committee is five years.
Alexander Petrovich has been working at Metafrax since 2010, joined the trade union organization in the same year, was a member of the trade union committee. He started as a repair technician, then worked as a mechanical specialist in a transportation and service department, as a transport engineer in the transport department. He has a higher education.
The conference elected deputy chairmen – Ekaterina Rakovits and Lyubov' Gureeva, the new composition of the trade union committee. Labor dispute committees , control and audit commissions and labour occupational safety commissions have been formed and labour occupational safety's designated officials have been elected.
Rashid Shakirov, Deputy General Director for Personnel and Social Affairs of the enterprise, reported on the fulfillment of obligations under the collective agreement, which includes medical care, rehabilitation, recreation of employees and their children, wage indexation, incentive and compensation payments, youth and veterans outreach in the enterprise, organization of cultural and sports events.
- All obligations assumed by the employer under the collective agreement have been fulfilled, - said the head.
The delegates considered the activity of the trade union committee from 2019 to 2023 as satisfactory. Lyudmila Krasnykh, who led the trade union organization during this period, noted that the joint work of the Company's management and the trade union organization had been fruitful all these years. To date, the collective agreement of Metafrax Chemicals is one of the best in the Perm Region. This was confirmed by the Chairman of the regional committee of the Russian Chemical Industry Trade Union.
- As for development, production culture, labor protection, care for employees, veterans, and youth, everything at Metafrax Chemicals is at the highest level, - said Alexey Klein.
Alexey Klein presented Lyudmila Krasnykh with a medal "For active work in the trade union" of the first degree. For great contribution and strengthening of social partnership, the chairman of the regional organization also awarded Viktor Maier and Sergey Sitnikov, head of methanol production, with the Badge of Honor of the Russian Chemical Industry Trade Union. Rashid Shakirov was also awarded the gratitude of the Metafrax Chemicals trade union committee for cooperation.