Victory of a big team

On November 24, Nizhny Novgorod hosted the awarding of the winners of the XII international award in the field of event tourism - "Russian Event Awards". The Chamber Theater " Dominanta" (Gubakha, Perm Region) received the Grand Prix in the nomination "The best tourist event based on a natural phenomenon or geographical location" for organizing and conducting the theatrical landscape festival "Mysteries of Krestovaya Mountain". The festival has been held annually in Gubakha with the support of Metafrax since 2012.
In 2023, the festival venues included the scenery of the "Heart of Parma" movie, the abandoned mining ghost town of Verkhnyaya Gubakha, the plateau of the Krestovaya Mountain and the slope of the all-season resort "Gubakha". The festival was dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the city of Perm, a number of performances of the program addressed the history of the Perm region. 12 performances of 11 theaters from 7 cities of Russia and Armenia were presented to the audience. In general, the events of the festival "Secrets of the Krestovaya Mountain" in 2023 were attended by more than 10 thousand people.
"This is a victory for our entire large team of organizers, partners and friends of the festival," said Maria Konovalova, chairman of the organizing committee of the "Mysteries of Krestovaya Mountain" festival, head of communications at Metafrax Group. – I thank all the participants of the project for their creative approach and contribution to the common cause. The main expert, who evaluates the festival, is the audience. People come, drive and even plan vacations every year in order to visit "Mysteries of Krestovaya Mountain", they consider this event as their own. Therefore, we plan to continue to hold the festival beloved by residents and guests of Gubakha.
The project "Mysteries of Krestovaya Mountain" was presented in the final of the award by the Head of the Department of Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Gubakha Municipal District Administration- Inga Zorkina, director of the Center for Tourism Development - Konstantin Timinsky, and manager of the "Mysteries of Krestovaya Mountain" project - Anastasia Zhizhikina
In 2023, 327 projects from 59 regions of Russia and 7 projects from 2 regions of the Republic of Belarus gained the right to participate in the final events of the International Award in the field of event tourism "Russian Event Awards 2023".
In 2022, Metafrax became the winner of the first Perm Region's Leader competition in the Tourism nomination for organizing the "Mystreries of Krestovaya Mountain" Festival.