Metafrax and Perm State University confirmed the cooperation in writing

On May 23 on the eve of the professional holiday Metafrax signed the Agreement on cooperation with the eldest higher education institution in the Kama region - Perm State National Research University.
Three faculties represented the University - a faculty of economics, a faculty of law and a faculty of chemistry. The Agreement became a part of the program of Metafrax Group staff development. Research chemists with the applied skills are the specialists always required at Metafrax. «Piece-goods», lawyers, should accompany the company at all business stages. The economists are expected to stay ahead, do modelling of the economic system and forecasting activity.
The 5 year agreement program includes the expert investigation of the curriculum and the program development for students practical activity; interregional conferences; the target preparation of students and post-graduates; case championships, master classes and guest lectures from Metafrax Group leading workers.
Special attention is paid to the joint scientific research. In particular, the company together with the University is planning to do R&D in urotropin, pentaerythritol synthesis as well as in polyamide production.
"Nowadays we realize that we need to drastically change the vector of holding development - go to the research and development" - Armen Garslyan, Metafrax Board Chairman, said. "Mastering the production of high tech and unique products is the only possibility to move to a new level. There are plenty of products including in our branch that are used but not produced in Russia for lack of technologies. In order to create them the investments to science are required, namely, put targets and develop technologies of the products which are not manufactured in our country yet. A breakthrough effort is needed today and we have all the resources required".
Perm State National Research University will be the base for the company research and development. The directions of cooperation are research works, analyses of education programs for I&I applications, preparation of future chemists. The faculty of chemistry is ready to provide enterprise workers with highly-accurate equipment and make company products analyses jointly.
The Parties believe the Agreement will become a basis for applied research activity to complete exact tasks, adapt technologies, develop product recipes including those that can be produced at the plant.
Igor Makarikhin, President of Perm State university:
Here is a case of the leader in chemical industry of our country and this means very complicated technologies, therefore it will be a hard but interesting work. I believe we will justify the confidence of our partners and mange with this target. The cooperation plan will be made between the relevant departments of our university.