Annual Meeting of Shareholders took place at Metafrax

On May 28 during the annual meeting there was a decision made to pay out distribute profits at 2013 year-end in the amount of 3 Rubles per equity ruble share.
The company has already paid out the interim dividends for 9 months of 2013 in the amount of 3 Rubles per equity ruble share.
The payments demonstrate a constant dynamics. The dividends of the company for 2012 were 4.1 RUB/share (3.1 RUB for 9 months and 1 RUB at the year-end), for 2011 - 0,5 RUB, for 2010 - 0.35 RUB.
Thus, the total amount of dividends for 2013 increased half again as (+46%) compared to 2012.
According to Armen Garslyan, Board Chairman, the significant increase of dividend rate is first of all linked to the record financial and economic performance data:
"The company has a coherent and clear dividend policy, first the shareholders invested into the company development, now the results of these investments reflect the financial outcome and the company is ready to increase dividends. With further increase of financial statements we intend to continue this policy".
The total amount of interim dividends for 9 months of 2013 and yearly dividends for 2013 are 1.956,8 million Rubles that is 60,5 % of net profit of 2013 (3.234 million Rubles), the rest amount which is 1.277 million Rubles (39,5% of net profit) the shareholders forwarded to the current production activity, investments and social needs.
The shareholders elected Board of Directors. Oleg Gordienko, Viacheslav Grachev, Vladimir Daut, Dmitriy Kravchek, Victor Maier and Natalia Startseva kept their positions in the Board.
Armen Garslyan has been again elected as Board Chairman.
By the decision of Board of Directors during the April meeting Vladimir Daut was again elected as General Director.
The shareholders meeting also approved the annual report and book accounting, the company charter in a new revision, as well as deals of interest. The auditor for 2014 will be ZAO UK Audit.