“Metaftax Chemicals” entered the ESG rating of 130 Russian companies

According to independent European Rating Agency RAEX-Europe, “Metafrax Chemicals” has ranked 75 in June ESG rating of 2021, which covers 130 Russian companies from 24 different industries. ESG index shows to the investors a company strategy, employees’ labor conditions and the way a company takes care of ecology.
“Metafrax Chemicals” is focused on ESG principles and engagement in reduction of environmental impact. While creating conditions for long term development, our company improves production and implements advanced and effective approaches to decrease an amount of emissions and wastes”, highlighted “Metafrax Chemicals” technical director Alexandr Vdovin.
The priority of environment protection issues is recognized in “Metafrax Chemicals” at the company mission level. Within the rebranding procedure was stated the holding philosophy: “To shape up the future ecological, social and business environment through responsible approach to the chemical industry development”.
In 2020 the company operation costs for operation of the treatment facilities have reached 90 mln. rubles, for protection of atmosphere air – 12 mln. rubles. Total current cost for environment protection exceeded 126 mln. rubles.
A three-year program of “Metafrax Chemicals” aimed to solve the ecology issues envisages more than 5 billion rubles of investments. During construction of the “Ammonia – urea – melamine” (AUM) complex in Gubakha “Metafrax Chemicals” builds the biggest in Russia unit for carbon dioxide recovery. Putting this unit in operation will exclude daily emission to the atmosphere in amount of 1120 tons as carbon dioxide. СО2 emissions from production capacities will be more than halved, which will become a substantial input of the company to the fight with the greenhouse effect.
In April 2021 within VI Perm engineering and industrial forum the Perm region head Dmitriy Makhonin and general director of PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” Vladimir Daut have signed the cooperation memorandum in environment area between the company and the region government.
ESG rating methodology is based on two key parameters: hazards and ESG-factors. Frist the hazards are identified. For example, exposure to water hazard. The higher the industry water consumption, the more it is exposed to the water stress hazard. The less fresh water is needed by a company for full operation, the better. It is recommended for the companies to treat and to use water several times as well as to take less from the rivers.
After the hazards, key ESG-factors are evaluated. The abbreviation ESG is composed of the first letters: environmental – ecology, social – social development, governance – corporate management.