“Metafrax” will test the Perm companies’ developments

“Metafrax Chemicals” and Regional engineering center have conducted a session of the scientific and technical council (STC). The event participants have reviewed several new developments on monitoring and diagnostic of equipment. The meeting was conducted as a videoconference.
Three companies representatives, which are a part of the R&D company “ROS”, presented their reports. The company is specialized in development and production of the instruments and systems for monitoring, diagnostic and emergency protection of industrial equipment and facilities.
During the first report «NPP ROS” presented a system of an equipment remote monitoring. It is based on noncontact measurement of the plant sound field or other technical facility using the sensors, and it is aimed to decrease the failure rate and increase equipment operation safety.
The production-implementation company “Vibro-tsentr” proposed to PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” to consider the possibility to implement express control over integrity of the supporting structures of the buildings and facilities. The control method based on excited resonant vibrations allows to identify mechanical defects, for example, the materials aging and internal cavities. Also the items could be inspected prior to putting in operation, perform periodic tests, control operation of the pipelines, furnaces, rotors and other items.
“Dimrus” representatives informed how it is possible to identify mechanical defects like cracks, shells on the products from polyamide, which are included in “Metafrax” product range. It is proposed to use the analysis of resonant vibrations. This method, according to the speakers, allows to cover 100% of all produced items, and it is less time consuming than X-ray inspection.
All equipment for diagnostic is produced by “ROS” itself. General Director of “NPP ROS” Natalya Sof’ina highlighted that the mentioned proposals will help to decrease the costs for operation, repair and maintenance of equipment.
PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” representatives found the new developments interesting.
“Our joint work on the session of STC was productive. We are available to try on our production a system for quality control of the plates and rods from polyamide using portable multi channel diagnostic complex “Kamerton”, provide samples for testing and have a range of experiments at the enterprise. We also propose to test the equipment presented today at the example of operating equipment from methanol production – the reformer ID Fan”, informed PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” technical director Alexandr Vdovin. “Cooperation with regional industrial companies gives tangible results, so we, for sure, will continue our meetings for development of specific ideas and solutions".
STC sessions are conducted within the road map for interaction of PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” with the industrial complex of Perm region. This document was signed within VI Perm engineering and industrial forum in April of 2021. The road map was endorsed by the Perm region head Dmitry Makhonin and “Metafrax Chemicals” general director Vladimir Daut.
The document is aimed to expand cooperation in the part of industrial cooperation, non-resource exports and exchange of best practices in the area of management and ecology. Execution date for the road map events is till 31st December 2023. The interaction plan foresees preparation on the regular basis of the commercial offers for supply of the regional companies products to “Metafrax”, review of these proposals within the sessions of the scientific and technical council, determination of a priority list of these products, voluntary qualification of Perm region companies in PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” and other events.