“Metafrax” is “Best energy-efficient company of the West Urals-2016”

The West Ural power engineers association along with the regional ministry of construction, housing and utilities infrastructure summarized the results of traditional competition “Best power-efficient company of the West Urals-2016”.
The main criteria for selection of nominees were the reduction of GDP energy intensity and product competitive growth along with energy-efficient technologies implementation and energy saving policy. Following the performance results in 2016, PJSC “Metafrax” won in the nomination “Best power-efficient company of the West Urals” in person of Board of Directors Chairman Armen Garslyan.
Aleksandr Semin, PJSC “Metafrax” Chief power engineer
-In a letter to us, Danir Zakirov, General Director of the West Ural power engineers association, pointed out, that “Metafrax” contribution to production efficiency development in Perm Krai can hardly be overestimated: the company became one of the Russian leaders in energy intensity reduction of production and is recognized twice as the best energy efficient company and it’s true. For the last years we completely changed the old power equipment and became the energy-packed company with systems of distribution, conversion and consumption. Thousands of new electric machinery units are used in workshops and production sites. The quantity of power units connected with company’s plans for construction and revamping of plants increases each year.
The chief power engineer added that electric power fiscal metering system works well. It was certified for wholesale market requirements of electric power and capacity and that gave an opportunity to reduce costs for energy resources sufficiently. Nowadays “Metafrax” is one of small group of companies that purchase power on the wholesale market.