The Governor of Perm Krai Maxim Reshetnikov visited “Metafrax”

On the 24th of April the Governor of Perm Krai Maxim Reshetnikov visited towns of former Kizel coal basin: Gremyachinsk, Kizel and Gubakha. The Governor also visited an industrial site of PJSC “Metafrax”, one of the biggest chemical plants in Krai.
The Governor got acquainted with the company through a film devoted to construction of modern AUM (ammonia-urea-melamine) complex in Gubakha. After sharing opinions with “Metafrax” Board of Directors Chairman Armen Garslyan and with the General Director Vladimir Daut about branch development and social tasks of the company, guests went to the control room of one of the leading plant branches, methanol production. The head of methanol production Sergey Sitnikov made an excursion and mentioned peculiarities of methanol production. Mr. Reshetnikov was very interested in technological process and plant history due to the workshop museum.
During his business trip, Mr. Reshetnikov also studied ways to increase the access and quality of medical services for the population. Main medical facility problems in 3 towns are in lack of specialists along with old facilities and resources. During a meeting in Gubakha devoted to health protection problems and medical assistance modernization the Minister of Health Vadim Plotnikov proposed to take reasonable measures. It’s particularly important to make reconstruction of medical facilities in all three towns, to construct rural health posts in settlements, to increase the amount of brigades, to renew medical care vehicles and to raise the amount of specialists.
The Governor pointed out that all decisions would be made in order to increase a people satisfaction level of medical care quality. He gave a task to the Ministry of Health and health care specialists in Gremyachinsk, Gubakha and Kizel to perform it immediately, developing a plan with indication of realization date and scope of financing.
The Deputy of the regional parliament Armen Garslyan thanked the Governor for support and attention to the territory.
-There is a more than one month of work behind this decision. We support this project together with residents and ask not to put it aside. Health care problems for the Kizel coil basin territory are more than important and should be solved immediately,- he said.
The Governor also visited Ugleuaralsky settlement: the sport-leisure complex “Gubahinskiy”, where he met with junior hockey player team and its coach Vladimir Kolesnikov. Mr.Reshetnikov informed about construction of covered ice arena in Gubakha as part of the agreement between the Charity Foundation of Elena and Gennady Timchenko, Perm Krai and Gubakha authorities together with a hockey player Evgeniy Ketov, who was a trainee of local sport school. The foundation will allocate 150 million rubles, additional 38 million rubles will be spent for equipment purchase from Krai budget. The administration will pay 2 million rubles for ground and communication erection. The new sports facility will be ready this year.