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Metafrax is one of the leaders in HSE in the Kama region

Metafrax is one of the leaders in HSE in the Kama region

On June 5, the winners and runners-up of the competition for the best organization of HSE in the Perm Territory in 2023 were awarded in Perm. Metafrax Chemicals was awarded the third place among the enterprises of the oil, mining, chemical, and metallurgical industries.

Anatoly Okulko, Head of the HSE department at Metafrax, and Yulia Terekhina, HSE manager, took part in the award ceremony. The letter of gratitiude from the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Perm Territory was presented to them by Pavel Fokin, Minister of Labor and Social Development.

This year, more than a hundred enterprises and organizations of the region became participants of the competition. Experts assessed the state of working conditions, provision of employees with collective and personal protective equipment, the state of injuries and occupational morbidity, the efficiency of the HSE management system.

Anatoly Okulko: “Maintaining a high HSE level and prevention of occupational injuries is one of the absolute priorities in the activities of Metafrax. For this we regularly organize production monitoring, conduct a special assessment of working conditions and staff training."

Monitoring of working conditions at the enterprise is carried out by both HSE managers and specialists, as well as heads of all production divisions authorized by the labor union for HSE. Over the past year, the HSE service conducted 24 comprehensive and 26 targeted inspections. Safe Days are held monthly.

The company carries out systematic preventive work in order to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases, as a result, no accidents were registered at the enterprise in 2023.

Employees are provided with safety clothing, safety shoes and PPE. The company's staff regularly undergoes preventive medical examinations. Last year, specialists of the HSE service conducted a special assessment of working conditions at 285 workplaces.

All newly hired employees undergo mandatory HSE training, and current employees also regularly update their knowledge in this area.

The responsibility area of the HSE service also includes measures on culture and aesthetics of production. All divisions of Metafrax are actively working in this direction.

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