Freshmen of the Perm Polytechnic University told about their Homeland

In Perm, the winners and prize-winners of the "Debut" stage of the All-Russian student media projects competition on geo-branding GeoPin-2024, which is supported by Metafrax Chemicals, were awarded. The award ceremony took place on May, 31st,in the historical park "Russia is my History".
The organizer of the annual competition, aimed at promoting and positioning Russian cities and regions,since 2016has been the Department of Foreign Languages and Public Relations of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Metafrax traditionally acts as a partner of the competition.
- Geo-branding is, first of all, a story about people and for people. Each territory has its own uniqueness, and the correct using of the tools of this area in strategic communicationsallows you to maximize local potential, make a place attractive, create stable associations and impressions associated with a "point on the map". As a result, it works to attract and keep residents, develop tourism and the economy of the region as a whole," said Maria Konovalova, expert of the competition, Director for Strategic Communications at Metafrax Chemicals JSC.
120 first-year students from the Perm National Research Polytechnic University took part in the university stage of the GeoPin-2024 competition, who presented 61 videos to the jury.
As a result, Ulyana Kandrashova and Anastasia Averina celebratedthe victory in the nomination "Promotion and positioning of territories"Anya Suprun and Alina Angelova became the leaders in the "Genius of the Place" nomination, Ksenia Netsvetaeva and Maxim Arkhangelsky became the leaders in the "Promotion of a local brand" nomination. Nikita Argimunt and Angelika Didyk won the first place in the nomination "Promotion of tourist routes", and Sabridin Saimirzoev, Danil Rizov and Egor Nagovitsyn won the Audience Choice Award.The winners of the competition received diplomas and gifts from the "Metafrax Chemicals" Company.
Receipt of applications for participation in the All-Russian stage of the GeoPin-2024 student media project competition continue, applications are accepted until June 20, 2024. Detailed information is available in the VK contest group: link or on the site: link.