Metafrax Summarized Its Work in 9 Months of 2016

PJSC Metafrax summarized its work in January-September of 2016.
In January-September of this year, the methanol outlet made 782.5 thousand ton that is higher than the same index of the last year by 137 ton, or by 21%. Also, the production of the following products was also increased: by 278.9 thousand ton for formalin (grew by 2.7%), by 142.8 thousand ton for UFC (+7.4%), by 17.5 thousand ton for pentaerythritol (+0.8%), by 253 ton for micronized urotropine (+9%), by 263 ton for packaged polyamide (+7%).
The urotropine production made 21.7 ton (-3%). The micronized pentaerythritol outlet decreased by 25%, making 750 ton, comparing to the 2015 value.
During this period, PJSC Metafrax produced commercial output for a value of 12 billion 783 million roubles that is higher than the same index of the last year by 1 billion 27 million roubles, or 9%. The realization profit made 13.1 billion roubles that is higher than the same value of 2015 by 10.2%.
The export share in the turnover was 30% (against 34.1% according January-September of 2015 results). The gross profit made 6.4 billion roubles that is higher than the same value of 2015 by 3.07%.
According to the nine months period, the company’s investment budget reached the record value of 2.5 billion roubles (+38.5% to 2015 value).
The company’s social package of this year made 122 million roubles.
- Current export conditions are described by the general methanol prices decreasing in the global markets. With this, we notice the stable operation of the company with the maximum effective production load. The company compensates its export prices with the sales growth.
Our financial and economic predictions assume the smooth of the company values until the end of 2016. We will continue to grow the investments volume according to the agreed Technical Development Program. - Armen Garslyan, Metafrax Board of Directors Chairman commented the company’s work results.