Metafrax Got in the TOP-200 Biggest Russian Exporters

According to 2015 results, in the Biggest Russian Exporters rating published by business magazine Expert, Group of Companies Metafrax took the 146th place.
In 2015, the export of state company Metafrax made 87.6 million dollars. Despite the significant value drop, comparing to 2014, the stable positions in the external market allowed the company to save their secure position in the TOP-200 Biggest Russian Exporters rating.
In general, according to experts, in 2015, general rating participants export decreased by 30% making 268.2 billion dollars. The Russian export deliveries value decreasing reason is the adverse conjuncture of world shipment of raw materials. With this, in physical term, the export volume grows since 2012.
In the TOP-200, the Perm Region is presented only by four companies, two of which - Metafrax and Uralkali – are related to the chemical industry.