Metafrax Trading International strengthened its position in the world rating of leading chemical distributors

At the end of 2019, Metafrax Trading International (MFTI) acquired 80th place in the global chemical distributors rating. «ICIS Chemical Business» magazine's rating represents industry leaders evaluated by cost of sales.
MFTI was first included in this prestigious list in 2017. Compared to the previous period, company maintained a high position in the global rating and improved its position in a number of regional ratings. Moreover, for the first time company is represented in the rating for Latin American market.
In 2019, company's sales revenue decreased by 28 million dollars and amounted to 184 million dollars.
"Reasons for such decline were general market conditions and methanol price decrease. At the same time, volume of sales increased by 17%. In 2019 company sold 623 thousand tons of products against 531 thousand tons in 2018", – comments Vasily Mikhailov, trader of Metafrax Trading International.
«ICIS Chemical Business» magazine is published by ICIS News Agency, which analyses state of chemical markets. Agency is considered to be the only recognized pricing agency on the global methanol market.