The construction of production facilities of the "Ammonia-Urea-Melamine" Complex enters the final stage

The scope of the performed construction activities in the production (ISBL) area of the "Ammonia-Urea-Melamine" Complex reached 70%. The main powers of the constructors are directed now to the installation of the process pipelines and electrical equipment, laying of electrical cables.
On the first terrace concreting of floors and basins under the pipe racks is being completed. Work contractors carry out electrical installation works on laying cables on the process pipe racks and inside the buildings. Lighting and grounding systems are being installed. Preparations have begun for hydraulic testing of ammonia unit pipelines.
The installation of process equipment has been completed and preparations for the difficult technological process have begun in the steam boiler area, namely – chemical cleaning of the pipelines by forces of the specialized Company LLC «Sibtech» (Novosibirsk).
The installation of the low pressure pump house and installation of process pipelines is going on for the urea unit. 85 of 149 items of equipment are installed in the high pressure pump house. 42 items of rotating equipment are released, piping of them is in progress now.
The installation of steel structures of the building is going on for the melamine plant. The works for the zero cycle are at the final stage. The installation of concrete floors for the melamine pump house, concrete floors and basins for equipment is in progress. The Installation of equipment is also in progress at various elevations of the building.
The pump house of melamine is the most difficult object of the AUM Complex from the process point of view. Work Contractors have already installed here 90 of 158 items of equipment. The installation of the drying and melamine filtration unit is going on. The melamine disintegrator was installed here in June. Constructors have started the installation of steel structures of the melamine transportation gallery.