Metafrax presented ESG-initiatives in the field of corporate volunteering and charity at the PEIF

Metafrax Group delegation participates in the VIII Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum (PEIF). Specialists of Metafrax Chemicals, Metadynea, Metafrax Trading, Engineering and Technology Center “Metafrax” are involved in activities on different sites of the forum.
PEIF-2023 was opened in Perm today. More than 50 events of the business program and 20 scientific and technical councils of enterprises are planned from November, 29 to December, 1. The main topic – the man of labour. The issues of searching, attracting, training, motivation and staff retention are under review on six sites. More than 3 thousand of managers and specialists of the industrial sector of Russia, and also Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Iran, India and Turkey.
In the first day of the forum Yuliya Ershova, the leading expert in sustainable development issues of JSC Metafrax Chemicals, presented holding company experience in development of volunteering at the round table “Development of corporate volunteering: best practices, growth prospects and development vectors in Perm Region”. Volunteer activities are an important part of the activities on the introduction of sustainable development principles into the company activity. The expert spoke about participation of company employees in the promotion #Volunteer of Perm Park in June of 2023.
- Together with the regional Directorate of specially protected natural areas, the company volunteers, mainly from the youth organization, were landscaping the territory of the “Perm” natural park: “Stone City” and “Shumikhinskiye Rocks”. One more volunteer activity is the help to Reserve Basegi, which Metafrax provides every year starting from 2018. Company employees are cleaning the firebreak from trees, bushes and dry twigs, - Yuliya Ershova shared.
Among the ESG-initiatives, that are implemented by Metafrax, there is a wide range of charitable and philanthropic projects, where the employees are actively involved. In 2022, company directed more than 54 mln. rubles to these purposes, during 9 months of 2023 – more than 40 mln. rubles
- Company is the partner of the project “Brain donation” of the “Dedmorozim” fund, it participates in provision of support to the “Bereginya” charitable fund, it cooperates actively with the Perm Art Gallery, Perm Opera and Ballet Theater. “Mysteries of Krestovaya Mountain” festival is being held each year in Gubakha, this festival is a bright event not only for the residents of the city and region, but also for the tourists from elsewhere, - Yuliya Ershova informed.
Metafrax Group specialists are also taking part in “Mineral fertilizers” conference at PEIF-2023, where the state and development of Russian market of mineral fertilizers, work on production projects and reorientation to the new directions is being discussed. The significant topic at the event is the state regulation of export and support for those working for the overseas deliveries.
In the afternoon company representatives will take part in the Open Lesson for young people and students together with the managers of the region leading industrial enterprises. On 30th of November Metafrax Group will conduct the session “Methanol – fuel of the future” at PEIF-2023. Experts will share the results of studies and the experience of using methanol as a fuel in ship, rail and road transport and for the generation of electrical energy.