Working in industry is interesting, stable and effective

With the support of Metafrax Group, Gubakha schoolchildren and students took part in the VIII Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum (PEIF).
The Gubakha youth delegation included 30 people: high school students from the New Educational Center (NEC, school No. 14) and students from the Ural Chemical Technology College. They toured the forum’s exposition, including visiting the stand of the city-forming enterprise - Metafrax Chemicals. Then an open lesson was held, which was conducted by the heads of the largest industrial companies in the Perm region. Rashid Shakirov, Deputy General Director for Personnel and Social Affairs, and Andrey Eremeev, Director of the Ammonia-Urea-Melamine (AUM) plant took part in the dialogue with young people from all over the region.
In his speech, Rashid Shakirov noted that the time in which we live provides many opportunities for young people.
- “Don’t waste your time, dream and do what you like. Then you will be able to achieve much more than you currently think possible. Metafrax is a high-tech, modern production facility. Our example proves that it is possible to live and work brightly, beautifully and actively not only in megacities, but also in small cities like Gubakha,” said the head.
The director of the AUM plant emphasized that working at an industrial enterprise is interesting, stable and efficient.
- “This provides great opportunities for development. I am very glad that now in our country the status of the engineering profession is rising every year. Working as an engineer, including in production, is becoming prestigious again, and many young people choose this path,” said Andrey Eremeev.