Paraform is of interest to Russia

The experts of the all-Russian conference highly estimated perspectives for application of paraformaldehyde in domestic industry. The event was held on 1st March in Perm with support of the regional Ministry of Industry and Trade.
The advantages of paraformaldehyde (paraform) in comparison with formalin were highlighted by the commercial director of Logikhim LLC Mikhail Moon. According to him, paraform application cheapens logistics and decreases the hazard class of the product.
“Paraformaldehyde shelf life in fact is not limited”, said Mikhail Moon. “It’s possible to ship it during freezing temperatures and to receive at the site the product with any concentration. It’s much easier to follow the environment protection legislation, it’s less harmful for the personnel health. At the formalin discount, paraform application can be commercially reasonable, especially considering savings on associated costs – logistics and environment activities.
The technical development director of JSC Metafrax Chemicals Andrey Eremeev clarified that the process used in the company allows to control the substance particles size. It allows to as much as possible decrease content of dust and cakes in the final product, which limit its quick dilution. According to the manager, it’s possible to make savings replacing formalin with paraformaldehyde.
“It’s especially convenient to apply paraformaldehyde in remote areas of the country with small quantities of consumption and its irregular application, considering long shelf life”, noted Andrey Eremeev.
The Doctor of Engineering, the chair professor of chemicals processes in PSTU Vladimir Poilov also highlighted less toxicity of paraform comparing with formalin. According to him, there are more than 3 thousand patents to obtain substances using paraformaldehyde.
The deputy director for investments and innovations JSC Polyex Vadim Zhuravlev informed that the provides unique possibilities to effectively interact with the customers both in terms of the reagents preparation speed and their delivery and application in oil production.
“Paraform is unique, since it allows to prepare the reagents, which are capable not only to scavenge hydrogen sulfide, but they are bactericide as well. Combined effect allows to eliminate not only consequences, which are related to hydrogen sulfide, but the reason of it appearance”, told Vadim Zhuravlev.
The dedicated unit engineering and technicanl center Metafrax manager Vasiliy Perepelkin shared experience of methods development to receive from paraform water solutions with different concentrations, as well as interaction with the manufacturers of synthetic resins.
“Paraform is of interest to Russia. There are industries, where it is indispensable. The first one is where excess water is not required, where it interferes. In this case paraform is applied exclusively always, formalin is not applied. The second one it’s new production of products, where formalin requires to create costly infrastructure, storage, dosing. Paraform can be handled with minimum capital investments”, noted Vasiliy Perepelkin.
The conference results were summarized by the general director of Metafrax Trading LLC Oleg Mamaev.
“This conference allows to start the new projects. We have a difficult road ahead of us, to come from idea to implementation. We are always open to a dialogue and ready to discuss the points related to application of our products. We wait for feedback from colleagues and partners”, summarized Oleg Mamaev.