In the stage of development

Metafrax Chemicals has been included in the updated analytical review of National Rating Agency (NRA) "ESG ranking of Russian industrial companies".
Presented in February 2023, the study continues the series of publications started in 2021 and is an updated version of the ESG ranking of companies published in September 2022.
The list of participants in the analytical review has been expanded to 90 companies, only 9 of them are chemical companies. There are updated data for companies that published sustainability reports for 2021 and disclosed additional information after July 2022.
According to the agency, JSC Metafrax Chemicals was assigned a score of 0.539, resulting in the ESG practices marked as "developing level". The ESG ranking uses information posted by participants in the free access for the unlimited range of persons.
Sustainable development is a basis of Metafrax Group's ESG policy. In 2022 there were qualitative changes in the implementation of the holding's ESG initiatives. A working group was established to systematically introduce ESG principles into the holding's companies based on the most successful cases and expert recommendations. In September 2022 Metafrax published a sustainable development report for 2021, which reflected the company's activities in the areas of ecology, industrial safety, labour protection, social policy and corporate governance. A unique monobrand presentation for the unified positioning of the holding company's ESG initiatives was made at the Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum.
ESG ranking of Russian industrial companies 2.0: link