Young chemists from Perm Region won again

The final stage of the eighth Russian National conference "Young Technicians and Inventors" was held in the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December, 2nd. In the nomination, established three years ago at the initiative of the “Metafrax Group”, which this year was called "Chemistry and its Applications", the participants from the Perm Region won again.
Pupils of the Perm Children's Technopark "Quantorium Photonica" Daria Malyshkina and Arina Sokolova presented the best project, according to the jury and experts, "Polyaniline as a conductive polymer". The research advisor of this investigation was the Technopark’s pedagogue, Mr. Dmitry Kuzyakin. It was not the first success for him – the project of his student, Alyona Varlasheva, was recognized last year as the winner of the Russian National contest of the “Young Technicians and Inventors” conference.
In 2021, based on the results of the regional stages, more than 400 individual and collective projects with prototypes completed by schoolchildren aged 6 to 17 from 75 regions of Russia were chosen for participation in the final stage of the conference. The winners and awardees of the contest were selected from them.
- Every year more and more talented children participate in our "chemical" nomination under the tactful guidance of creative mentors from the centers of innovative development. We are glad that out of the many applications, sent from 9 regions of the country, the project of young chemists from the Perm Region got the landslide victory. We congratulate the participants and the teacher with a well-deserved award. I hope that the development of a promising topic for the creation of conductive polymers will be continued by them, and will find a use in industry, - noted the Deputy General Director - Head of the Technological Department of LLC "Engineering and Technology Center" Metafrax", Mr. Alexander Mikhailov, who acted as an expert in the evaluation of competitive applications.
The conference is organized by the Supporting Found for Scientific and Technical Creativity of Children “Young Technicians and Inventors” and the Russian National Society of Inventors and Rationalizers with the support of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the country's largest companies.
- The initiative to hold an annual conference for young technicians and inventors is consonant with the ideology of the “Metafrax Group” brand, aimed at continuous development, creating a favorable ecosystem for the future generation. It is extremely important to support young innovators at the very beginning of their carrier, to help them fully realize their talents and diligence. Therefore, we actively support this unique project to form the "golden fund" of beginning scientists of Russia, many of whom, perhaps, will become the pride of Russian science, - emphasized Mrs. Maria Konovalova, advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals”, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region.