Employees' health is a priority

Rashid Shakirov, Deputy General Director of PJSC Metafrax Chemicals for HR and Social Affairs, presented the corporate program of health preservation for the company's employees at the first regional forum "Health in an industrial city". The forum was organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the regional Ministry of Health.
Safety, wellbeing and health of employees is an absolute priority for Metafrax Group. The largest enterprise of the group of companies in Gubakha, where 2,500 people work, is implementing a complex of measures aimed at achieving this goal.
At PJSC Metafrax Chemicals there is a wellness center. Fluorographic examination for all employees, periodic and in-depth medical examinations, vaccination against influenza, tick-borne encephalitis, diphtheria and coronavirus infection are organized annually. Employees are assigned to a branch of "Philosophy of Beauty and Health" medical center. Each employee is provided with VHI policy. Another direction is sanatorium-resort treatment and health improvement of employees and their children. For 10 months of 2021 more than 700 employees and 135 veterans of the plant were provided with various forms of health improvement. The company pays 80-90% of the cost of health resort vouchers. Metafrax Chemicals finances recreation activities for employees' children. In 2021, 192 children went on vacation to health camps and 150 children went on vacation to sanitariums under the "Mother and Child" program.
Sports events are an important component of the company's social policy. The company annually allocates more than 12 million rubles for renting sports facilities. The company has its own "Uralskiy Buket" recreation center, where employees can have a rest. The company also organizes rafting trips, hikes and tourist rallies.
From the first days of the coronavirus infection spread at the company, according to Rospotrebnadzor recommendations, anticovid measures are taken, including temperature measurements, free PCR and antibodies testing, and issuing personal protective equipment. A rapid information system about contagion of people in the inner circle is in place. Employees who have been vaccinated are given additional days off. Those who have been exposed to the virus with financial aid. The costs of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures for 10 months of 2021 amounted to about 5 million rubles. The vaccination level in the company as of the end of November 2021 amounted to 82%. Taking into account those who had been exposed to COVID-19 less than 6 months ago, the percentage of immunized persons reached 90%.
Metafrax Chemicals supports public medical institutions located in the cities of Kizel Coal Basin. The company allocated 7 apartments for young doctors from its housing fund. With the company's support, employer-sponsored education was organized for 64 students at the Perm Medical University for Kizel Coal Basin hospitals.