"Sunset on Krestovaya Mount" gathered more than 10 thousand spectators

On July, the 1st, the opening of the XII International theatrical landscape festival "Secrets of Krestovaya Mountain" took place in Gubakha, Perm Region. The festival is held with the support of Metafrax Group, the government of the Perm Region and the Urals Factory of Deicing Materials.
The scenery of the "The Heart of Parma" movie, the abandoned mining ghost town of Verkhnyaya Gubakha, the plateau of Krestovaya Mount and the slope of the all–season resort "Gubakha" are among the festival venues. In 2023 a number of performances of the festival program are addressed to the history of the Perm Region.
"This year we are dedicating our festival to the 300th anniversary of Perm, the capital of our region, the driver of its development," said Mr. Armen Garslyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Metafrax Group. – A strong Perm is possible only if the territories of the Kama Region are strong and vice versa – the development of Perm contributes to the strengthening of the territories of the region.
Traditionally, the festival was opened by the legendary project "Sunset on Krestovaya Mount". Its participant became the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, this theater presented pieces of the "Anyuta" ballet to the music of Valery Gavrilin (choreography by Vladimir Vasiliev). For the first time in the history of the festival, the Perm Ballet performed on Krestovaya Mount, accompanied by a live orchestra of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater.
– When the very first festival was held, we started it with the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater. They are more than partners, they are our associates, friends, close people. And today, as part of our project, for the first time, there is a symphony orchestra and ballet on this stage," said in her speech Mrs. Maria Konovalova, chairman of the organizing committee of the festival, Director on Strategic Communications of Metafrax Group.
The opening of the festival on the plateau of Krestovaya Mount was attended by more than 10 thousand spectators. Also, residents of the region were able to watch a live TV broadcast, which took place on the "VETTA 24" TV channel. The Perm Opera and Ballet Theater planned to show to the audience two more performances that evening, but the demonstration thereof did not take place due to changes in weather conditions.
- For the theater, participation in the "Secrets of Krestovaya Mount" festival has already become a good tradition. This year we have prepared three pieces that are completely different in style and mood. The program was opened by everyone's favorite "Anyuta" by Vladimir Vasiliev. As a participation of the evening we specially included a piece from the "The Stone Flower" ballet by Sergei Prokofiev. And in conclusion, we planned to show an suite of dances from Aram Khachaturian's ballet "Gayane", which without any doubt is a bright choreographic heritage and is closely connected historically with the Perm Region. The weather intervened — it happens, but we will still be happy to show these performances to residents and guests of the Perm Region," said Mr. Anton Pimonov, head of the ballet troupe of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater.
The memorable diploma of the participant of the "Secrets of Krestovaya Mount" festival was presented to the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater by the artistic director of the Drama Chamber Theater "Dominanta" Mrs.Lyubov Zaitseva with the following words:
- To the heroes of tonight, a wonderful team that got involved with us in this adventure 12 years ago. The legendary Perm Ballet is not afraid of anything. They are nice, brave, cool. When we just started, they told me: no one will go up the hill to watch ballet. But we have gone up, and we will go up again!
The "Secrets of Krestovaya Mount" festival takes place in Gubakha from June, 30, to July, 5, 2023. Spectators were able to see the first landscape performances already on June 30. On Krestovaya Mount, performances were presented by two groups from Chelyabinsk – the Chelyabinsk Theater of Modern Dance with the "Connect" performance, created under the impression of the "Journey Home" book by Radhanath Swami, and the Chelyabinsk Chamber Theater with the "Dostoevsky The Game in ..." performance, an experiment in rap style based on the F. M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" novel.
On Sunday, July, 2nd, the festival guests saw performances of three theaters at once. The Yerevan State Russian Drama Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky from Armenia performed with a one-man show "Remember your Name", the Nikitinsky Theater from Voronezh - with the play "Twelfth Night or what you will" and the theater "Ballet of Yevgeny Panfilov" from Perm - with the play "Divertissements barefoot".
On July 3, 4 and 5, collectives from the Perm Region and Moscow present their performances on the landscape: the Chamber Theater "New Drama" (Perm) with the play "The Poor Bride", the Lysven Drama Theater named after A.A. Savin with the play "The Place of action: Lysva". "Kyn" Part, Perm Puppet Theater with ethno-landscape performance "Kama. GORT. LEGENDES", the project group of Tanya Strelbitskaya from Moscow with the performance "My Hamlet". The Drama Chamber Theater "Dominanta", the organizer of the festival, will show two performances at once – "Close ones" based on the play by Daria Veryasova and "The Living Substance of Academician Lepeshinskaya" based on the play by Alexander Vislov.
The theatrical landscape Festival has been held in Gubakha since 2012. The "Metafrax" Company became the winner of the first competition "Leader of the Perm Region" in the nomination "Tourism" for organizing the festival "Secrets of Krestovaya Mount" in 2022.
A detailed program can be found on the website of the Drama Chamber Theater "Dominanta": https://teatrd.ru , where ticket sales are also organized.