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In 2023, 118 studentsof the Urals Chemical Engineering College received graduate diplomas.
A solemn presentation of diplomas took place at the Urals ChemicalEngineering College.Students, who had special success in academic and extra-curricular activities, received scholarships from the Metafrax Chemicals Company.
Students, teachers and parents gathered in the assembly hall of the college to congratulate the graduates on the completion of their studies. The director of the College, Mr. Alexey Nazarov made a welcoming speech and parting words. He wished the students thecareer achievements and success, and also reminded that the college staff is ready to support them at any moment.
Mr. Rashid Shakirov, Deputy General Director of Metafrax Chemicals JSC for Personnel and Social Affairs, presented the award from the Company to the five best students. Stepan Volegov, Nikita Solovyov, Danila Chirkov, Vladislav Shchelkonogov, Elizaveta Karpovich were awarded for special achievements. The manager noted that Metafrax is waiting for college graduates and is ready to meet with good grace everyone, who comes to work at the enterprise.
Deputy head of the Department of Chemical Technologies of Perm National Research Polytechnic University,Asia Kobeleva congratulated the graduates on a wonderful holiday and presented 22 graduates with certificates for obtaining diplomas on professional retraining under the University'sprogram "Chemical Technology of inorganic substances".